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novum 03.18 »gold«

novum 03.18 »gold«

This issue really pulls out all the stops! A wrap-around cover resplendent in all the colours of the rainbow, fine gold paper and relief varnishing – no point in choosing gold unless you really go for it!

Gold is not as easy a choice as you might think, however. It can quickly look over the top, which is why many designers only use it sparingly. But who wants to be modest and sensible all the time? In this issue of novum we thought we´d really push the boat out and go all out for gold. It fills the novum+ section and the cover, too, is a gilded delight. A brand new print and finishing technique inspired the designers at Paperlux to this cover. And we think you´ll agree, the results are amazing. Sophisticated printing technology combined with good design – that is real luxury! 

The cover

At the end of 2017 Scodix rolled out its new digital print enhancement press. This enables spot varnishing, unusually high relief varnishes and foil finishes. You can see what´s possible on the new novum cover: It shimmers in all the colours of the rainbow and is a delight to touch. The special thing about this process is that it dispenses with the need for screens or printing plates, it can be printed direct from the computer. In this way you can save costs, proofs are cheaper and designers have more scope. It´s even possible to apply different finishes one after the other, to create brand new effects.

Searching for gold

We couldn´t resist and just had to do a gilt edge as well. So ten of the copies of novum 03.18 sport this sophisticated finish. They are randomly distributed among our subscribers and the newsagents, and if you are the lucky recipient of one of them, then you have hit lucky twice: Not only do you have a real collectors´ piece, you also get a free one-day ticket to our Creative Paper Conference 2018!
So, keep your eyes peeled at the newsagents. If you get one, then contact us at:

All this and more awaits in this issue of novum!

Copies of this issue can be bougth here

Cover design 

Splendorlux Mirror Oro, 320 gsm by Fedrigoni

Print and print finishing of the cover 


Offset printing 


novum 03.18 »gold«

novum 03.18 »gold«

Graphic design magazine with a special focus on gold
